How to wash your hair after hair transplant?

How to wash your hair after hair transplant?

When will the shedding occur after hair transplantation? When do crusts form?

Before we go into the details of our post, we would like you to know that crust formation after hair transplantation is completely normal. Crusts form without exception in all patients who have undergone hair transplant. Therefore, you should not worry about this. The crusts will fall off in a short time when you pay attention to the points we will explain below.

Why do crusts form after hair transplant?

You also know that hair transplant surgery is not an easy operation. In this operation, you are physically tired and your scalp is excessively sensitive. As thousands of micro-channels are created, the scalp tends to be more sensitive.

Even in the operations with a low number follicles, 2000-2500 follicles are extracted. Micromotor or punch devices are individually immersed in the scalp and around the hair follicle. As a result, a hole is formed for each graft. Here, the blood flowing from these channels or holes towards the surface of the scalp, coagulates in this region, drying out and causing crust formation.

The same is true for the recipient region. If DHI Hair Transplant is employed in the operation, 1 channel is created for each graft in the transplantation area. Just like in the donor area, some bleeding occurs in the recipient region, and the blood dried on the scalp and forms a crust.

It is not possible to stop this bleeding that occurs during hair transplant surgery or to wash it off immediately after surgery. In fact, the first contact of these blood clots with water is possible after 3 days with the first wash. During this time, the blood has already turned into scabs.

When does crust formation occur after hair transplantation?

After hair transplantation, crust formation begins to occur from the day of transplantation. As we said above, the reason for crust formation is the bleeding during the operation. Therefore, as soon as the hair transplant surgery is over, the blood coagulates and dries out. Then it takes the appearance of a crust.

How to wash the skin after hair transplantation?

After hair transplantation, the crust cleaning process starts with the first hair wash. The first hair wash is done by experts at the hair transplantation center turkey . The effective first wash and subsequent gentle washes are also very necessary for fast and healthy cleaning of the crusts.

In order to clean the crusts after hair transplantation in a short time without damaging the hair, the first wash and subsequent gentle washes should be done as follows:

  • Before washing, a large amount of softening lotion should be applied to both the transplant area and the donor area where the hair follicles are taken, this lotion should reach all the hair roots and wait for an average of 45 minutes.

The softening lotions used in these gentle washes, which should be used until the crusts fall off, consist of creams such as Bepanthol or ready-made gels. The purpose of using these softening lotions before washing is to make the crusts softer and easier to clean without causing damage to the transplanted hair follicles.

While applying the lotion, any rubbing action should not be done. A sufficient amount of lotion is poured over the planting area and spread over all areas. Light movements can be made to reach all the hair roots.

  • After 45 minutes of applying the lotion, the crusts will become softer. At the end of the waiting period, the lotion is cleaned with tepid
  • After the lotion on the skin is cleaned, some shampoo is applied, forming a crust on the areas where hair transplant was not performed. After foam forms, it could be applied to the recipient The recipient area is cleaned with gentle movements, again, avoiding rough movements. and rinsed with tepid water.
  • After the washing process is over, a soft towel could be used to dry the hair. The important thing to note here is not to rub the towel on the scalp. You just need to put the towel on your hair and gently dry it.
  • Not all crusts are cleaned immediately after the first wash. Therefore, do not make any efforts to clean all the crusts. These crusts will be cleaned a little after each wash and will disappear on their own.

When will crust formation stop?

The crusts that begin to form on the 1st day of hair transplantation are almost completely gone after the first 10 days. However, this situation may not occur in the same way and time in every patient. Crust formation after hair transplantation may completely stop after 15 days in some patients . Therefore, if the crusts did not disappear within 10 days, do not panic, wait for a few more days.

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